Well, today I finished my 8th day straight of The Dailey Method! I can honestly say, I am loving the workout. Its super challenging and requires immense concentration as you multi task your way thru the hour long program.
I have had many different instructors at TDM Alissa, Laurel, Kady, Bonnie, Michelle and all are inspiring and make the class as challenging as it is, great fun and you feel so amazing when you walk out of there.
I have taken the Principles Class which offers alot of foundation work to TDM exercises at a slightly slower pace which I could easily just continue on with that program for months but when my schedule doesn't fit that class, I have opted to take the Mixed which is a bit more advanced...and have managed to live thru...with exception to one of Laurel's classes. She's tough in a good way.
Linda who welcomes me at check in with a warm smile has twice put me near the owners (Michelle and Colleen-who are both adorable & super fit, HELLO All the instructors are!) to get that extra coaching as she knows I am a newbie and wants to make sure I am learning all I can. (Of course, it reminded me of being moved to the front of the class when you are a kid because you are talking too much~)
What I love & find amazing is the quick response from my body and the transformations taking place at a deeper level- which I feel, yet I can see the definition shaping the muscle & that keeps you engaged in the commitment. More importantly to me is the long term structure and support for my spine that this rehabilitative type of exercise is providing.
PS By the time this 30 day challenge is done .......I am wanting to do the damn leg squats with no stopping for breaks...that's my goal. I feel this glorious burning knowing the muscles are fired up and being re designed, sweet satisfaction...as I muscle thru the hour.
To learn more about The Dailey Method follow this link http://www.thedaileymethod.com/wheaton.html
or call to make an appointment 630 871 7331
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