Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Feeling the rush of holiday planning!

With Thanksgiving upon us, and soon looking forward to hosting Christmas eve dinner...I am starting to get super excited about the impending holidays! For me it's always about celebrating with those that you cherish and spending time together. In my mind we are around the fire place playing games but somehow that never happens!

I have planned the meal, (thank you Bon Appetit Magazine November 2013 for the awesome ideas!) starting to anticipate the holiday table decorations and settings so everything feels inviting for our guests...
But what really got me excited was looking at Beauty gifts at Odalisque Beauty Apothecary! I always like to see what Bridget has in store for the beauty queens on my list! Here is what I found...A wonderful body creme that is rich and delicate in aroma, Beach Rose is stunning! Let's see who gets this for Christmas...favorite sister in law...maybe!
And for those wonderful girlfriends....there are so many are my top 3 picks include:

The Lip Slip In Nude Slip its the perfect color & über chic!

Luxe Nail Colors by Butter, how can you chose just

 Sensual smelling bath soaps...

And for my wish list for Santa...

Of course I want the Billion Dollar Brow Lift courtesy of NuFace! and with that the jowl lift, cheek lift are all part of the action. Did you know this is the only FDA approved micro current device? Originally this technology was used with people with Bells Palsy and it was found to lift the muscle very similar to Pilates for the body, this lifts and contours the facial features. Its AMAZING!

wishing you and yours an amazing Thanksgiving Holiday!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Innner Alignment Mandalas: Winter Harmony- Welcome Elaine Sauer

Thank you Jill and Michelle for the invitation to write a post to your beautiful blog & your Winter Harmony series~ Shine on Ladies~

Innner Alignment Mandalas: Winter Harmony- Welcome Elaine Sauer: The Winter Harmony blog series is our gift to our beautiful community to help inspire and support you to live in harmony with winter. J...